Category Archives: Portrait

Because family and friends are the most important things in life. That’s right. Put aside your career, your self importance, those things are valuable but not the most important. Because life needs to be enjoyed. Who do you know who has a trampoline? Go and jump on it. Because life is all about these moments….

I took a risk… and it paid off. It was a lazy Melbourne Sunday morning. Anna was patient and calm and open. Everything I needed. I was quiet and introvert and concentrating deeply on my film foray. This is the results, “The Whispers”. I guess you can call it film, call it fine art, call…

Have I got something for you… A sneaky look at this incredible film shoot with the divinely beautiful Anna by Photography with Cassie. Sometimes I just want to shoot from the heart, from the soul. This shoot came from somewhere way in the back of my mind. This shoot overtook me. Does that ever happen…

A newborn photography session in Hobart, Tasmania by Photography with Cassie I’m in your hands Mumma. Do you ever wonder about the complete dependance of such a tiny, brand new life? I find the idea of such an overwhelming honour and weight of responsibility well, overwhelming sometimes. I know your Mumma well little babe and…

A beautiful sunrise family photography session by Photography with Cassie at Clifton Beach, just South of Hobart, Tasmania. This sunrise session warmed my heart. It’s always such a joy to photograph those you love and I love this little family dearly. It was an amazing sunrise and a morning that now sits as one of my favourites….

Any day now… A Pregnancy Photography session in two parts by Photography with Cassie in Hobart, Tasmania. So here is part 2, our studio session. Remembering our childhood and our family growing up usually leaves my Sister, Brother and I in fits of laughter. I wanted to share a few memories of my sister and…