Category Archives: Personal
I am proud to showcase the way I see my life. Here is the past four months, just a little bit of every day. Starting in Melbourne, and going on my gypsy journeys to Broome, Bali and Hobart and ending back in Melbourne. A heartfelt thank you to all the people that make up my…

An afternoon in Sayan, the beginning of a Bali love affair by Photography with Cassie. Next week I’m going back to Bali so I thought it best to tell the story of when I went in June. The following images were taken in one afternoon, exploring the streets of Sayan on Scooter, cameras slung over…

“Being a mother, being Our Mother is the most selfless act.” A little look into the personal of Photography with Cassie. My mum and I have always been close, really close. We’ve always been in tune, in sync, two piscean dreamers together. So it should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me that…

A photo and story collaborative from Melbourne to Portland. I stumbled across Jeremy’s account on Instagram one day. The sheer bulk of text stopped me, I was intrigued. You see, people don’t really write on Instagram, it’s generally not what it’s used for. Usually if I see a whole load of text, it’s someone going off…

I took a risk… and it paid off. It was a lazy Melbourne Sunday morning. Anna was patient and calm and open. Everything I needed. I was quiet and introvert and concentrating deeply on my film foray. This is the results, “The Whispers”. I guess you can call it film, call it fine art, call…

Have I got something for you… A sneaky look at this incredible film shoot with the divinely beautiful Anna by Photography with Cassie. Sometimes I just want to shoot from the heart, from the soul. This shoot came from somewhere way in the back of my mind. This shoot overtook me. Does that ever happen…